Communicating quickly and effectively at the shelf edge could mean the difference between incremental sales and losses. This silent sales tool working in every aisle and department of your store must be optimized to maximize your store’s earning potential. 

Consumers today are also savvy like no time in history and are looking for more and more information when weighing their product buying decisions.  To ensure retailers have the opportunity to add incremental sales to shoppers’ baskets, manufacturers are bringing new promotional offers to retail, and incremental information is now more readily available about products being offered for sale. Having the ability to communicate product features and benefits to your customers can be a complex process, potentially adding costs to your operation or confusion to consumers when not clearly communicated on your shelf edge tags. 

Marketing at shelf-edge provides an average of 31 percent unit lift opportunity. Consumers are 85 percent more likely to buy when an item is presented in color. Combined, these opportunities provide retailers the ability to improve unit lift, ticket sales, and department penetration, resulting in improved topline sales and potential margin growth. To ensure independent retailers not only have the same opportunity as large regional and national chains, but opportunities to stay competitive and profitable, AWG partners with many third-party providers offering tools and programs so members can execute omnichannel strategies into their shelf edge and display price-and-item programs. For the last many years, new program capabilities have been added to the current AWG Print Manager program which is a platform to not only compete, but play offense utilizing your tag and sign programs across your entire store.

Features include incorporating color capabilities required to automate the needed selling components required today, even at store level, so you can decide the best fit and timing for your operational needs. AWG provides members the opportunity to respond to the highly competitive climate. Support systems have been put in place to help shelf-edge signage systems fit your workflow. In each division, teams of professionals can come to your store to demonstrate exactly how the process can work and drive sales.

ON THE EDGE: For more information on increasing your shelf edge appeal contact your District Sales Manager