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How to boost AWG Brands in your stores


AWG Brands boasts a field team of nearly 60 professionals committed to assisting all AWG member retailers with sales information, marketing, merchandising, product assortment, training, and more. Below, they share some of their best practices to help your store elevate sales with AWG Brands.

Product Assortment

Start with a robust AWG Brands presence. Brand recognition is increasing for the Best Choice® brand. Therefore, it’s imperative to stock products in various departments. The Best Choice name and logo serve as a visual commitment to consumers, assuring them of the same quality and value across Best Choice center store products, meat, seafood, bakery, produce, health, beauty, and general merchandise.

With Clearly by Best Choice™ and Best Choice® Superior Selections® incorporating the Best Choice name, consumers are more inclined to try and trust these brands. Additionally, with 40 years of delivering quality and value, the Always Save® brand continues to resonate with budget-conscious consumers. Furthermore, the price perception of Always Save influences shoppers who seek alternatives to the least expensive products on the shelf, leading them to opt for Best Choice instead of reaching for the national brand. Therefore, it’s advisable to retail Always Save and the Best Choice Family of Brands. Moreover, the entire AWG Brands portfolio is backed by a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee.

New Employee Onboarding

Your front-line employees are among the most influential ambassadors for AWG Brands. Equip them with the necessary information to drive sales and discuss your products. For new store openings, it’s recommended to conduct a learning session for all employees with an AWG Brands field team member. During these sessions, provide AWG Brands snacks for employees to sample and experience the quality of the products. New stores are also eligible for the Employee Coupon Program, granting each store employee a $5 coupon valid for any AWG Brands product. This initiative offers an educational opportunity and transforms your employees into customers.

Grand Openings

Grand opening events serve as crucial opportunities to introduce AWG Brands to new consumers and acquaint your community with the Save-A-Label program. Successful grand opening tactics include:

Reward new customers with AWG Brands reusable bags filled with an assortment of Always Save, Best Choice, Clearly by Best Choice, and Best Choice Superior Selections products. This fosters store loyalty, enhances brand awareness, and encourages product trial.

Access a range of in-store signage through AWG’s Grocer’s Kart to educate customers about AWG Brands and direct them to the quality and value they offer.

Demonstrate community involvement by providing information on the Save-A-Label program. Stores are entitled to one free sign kit containing assorted-size danglers, a brochure stand with grab-and-go information, registration forms, and hardware. Additional signage is available for purchase on Grocer’s Kart. Find out more about Save-A-Label best practices on page 24.

Advertising Presence

Highlight AWG Brands products prominently in advertisements, including traditional and digital circulars. Subsequently, mark these deals at the shelf with signage and tags. Seeking a straightforward method to advertise in stores? Explore the AWG Brands Supplemental Ad Program. This cost-effective program delivers a two-page ad to your store for each event featuring hot deals. Position the ad near your store entrance or use it as a bag stuffer. Additionally, you can post the digital version on your website.

Demonstration Program

In-store demonstrations are among the most effective methods to promote product trial and purchase. The AWG Brands demonstration program covers labor, supplies, and product value reimbursement in adherence to program guidelines. To enhance the success of a demo:
• Attract attention to the demo table with balloons and signage.
• Consider conducting a blind taste test between Best Choice and its national brand equivalent, keeping a tally of customer preferences.
• Sample Clearly by Best Choice and Best Choice Superior Selections items. These are ideal for demonstrations to showcase the brands’ quality and unique attributes.

Promotional Opportunities

Numerous promotional opportunities abound, from displaying attention-grabbing shippers, pallets, and mods to offering additional savings with digital coupons. Combine enticing seasonal deals with marketing and advertising support to orchestrate significant events, such as the recent “Best Choice Mega Truckload Sale” hosted by Town & Country Supermarkets.

Must Read


This issue of COMPETE Magazine is all about being best in class. From private brands to value proposition messaging to digital coupons and omnichannel marketing, today’s local independent grocers must provide best in class solutions and offerings to their customers and employees to set them apart from their competition.

AWG Programs